Grace and peace to you.

Being the Director of an organization that is fully reliant on donations, I believe it is important to periodically share why that is the case.

Did you know that many other missions like St Barnabas receive support from their Bishop who speaks on their behalf to world-wide Orthodox organizations and churches? The Bishop raises money on their behalf and gives them financial support or, in some cases, manages them. In our situation that is not the case. Though I must say very strongly, my Bishop provides wonderful spiritual help to me.

Archbishop Makarios Blessing a deep well at St a Barnabas Orphanage. HE provides wonderful spiritual help to the Orphanage

The Orthodox Church in Africa is officially reliant on donations. The Church, under the Patriarchate of Alexandria is fully Greek and relied heavily on donations from Greece. As you know, Greece’s economy is in crisis. Consequently, donations have vanished.


St Barnabas Orthodox Orphanage and School is in a small village and entirely dependent on donations from well-wishers from all over the world. Donations vary in amount. Some are very large, one-time donations. Others are smaller, on-going donations like 35$ or 50$ a month which adds up over time. We have not been successful with getting large donations from big Orthodox nonprofits. We rely on Social media to reach people outside of Kenya primarily by the articles that are written every now and then through our blog and shared by well wisher.

Thank you for your constant financial support. In addition, won’t you please share this letter and be a voice for Saint Barnabas’s children where they Haven no voice? In your church and among your friends and co-workers.

To partner with me in this humble orphanage through donations; Donate Here

Sincerely in Christ,
Fr Methodius JM Kariuki


St Barnabas orphanage and school in Kenya